Empire State of Mind

Empire State of Mind
Jay-Z’s business savvy has cemented his legacy as one of the most successful artists ever. With a network of investments ranging from fashion, technology, and top-shelf liquor to nightclubs, streaming services, and record labels, it’s possible for him to profit at every turn of your day. So how did a kid from the projects transform himself into a one-man conglomerate? Now with a glimpse into how Jay-Z achieved his Forbes-certified billionaire status, Empire State of Mind (currently on its fourth printing from Penguin Random House) reveals the story behind his meteoric rise. For every hustler, mogul, and businessperson who seeks to build something spectacular, this book is the blueprint.
Jay-Z’s business savvy has cemented his legacy as one of the most successful artists ever. With a network of investments ranging from fashion, technology, and top-shelf liquor to nightclubs, streaming services, and record labels, it’s possible for him to profit at every turn of your day. So how did a kid from the projects transform himself into a one-man conglomerate? Now with a glimpse into how Jay-Z achieved his Forbes-certified billionaire status, Empire State of Mind (currently on its fourth printing from Penguin Random House) reveals the story behind his meteoric rise. For every hustler, mogul, and businessperson who seeks to build something spectacular, this book is the blueprint.
Jay-Z’s business savvy has cemented his legacy as one of the most successful artists ever. With a network of investments ranging from fashion, technology, and top-shelf liquor to nightclubs, streaming services, and record labels, it’s possible for him to profit at every turn of your day. So how did a kid from the projects transform himself into a one-man conglomerate? Now with a glimpse into how Jay-Z achieved his Forbes-certified billionaire status, Empire State of Mind (currently on its fourth printing from Penguin Random House) reveals the story behind his meteoric rise. For every hustler, mogul, and businessperson who seeks to build something spectacular, this book is the blueprint.
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Business Professionals
Business Professionals
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