Make Music Count for everyone. Join the team and help millions of users track, find and re-discover music.

Make Music Count for everyone. Join the team and help millions of users track, find and re-discover music.

Make Music Count for everyone. Join the team and help millions of users track, find and re-discover music.
Last.fm is a global online music service that tracks people’s music listening habits - across many devices/platforms and via its world-class personalized music service – to help them discover and share new music through recommendations, exploration and the integration of social networking tools.
We take messy, crowd-sourced data from music listeners worldwide, and process it to provide global and personal music taste statistics, an “IMDB” style knowledge-base of all music, and recommendations unique to each user. We are a social network that continues to enjoy a large, passionate, active user base with hundreds of millions of users, and we are active on many platforms, with web, desktop and mobile applications. We process billions of data points per month, bringing together third-party applications and services with integrations in Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, VLC, Sonos, and many others.
Our vision is to be the connective tissue of music on the internet. We strive to unlock information about your personal relationship to the music you love, and the relationships between music and the rest of the world.
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Last.fm is a global online music service that tracks people’s music listening habits - across many devices/platforms and via its world-class personalized music service – to help them discover and share new music through recommendations, exploration and the integration of social networking tools.
We take messy, crowd-sourced data from music listeners worldwide, and process it to provide global and personal music taste statistics, an “IMDB” style knowledge-base of all music, and recommendations unique to each user. We are a social network that continues to enjoy a large, passionate, active user base with hundreds of millions of users, and we are active on many platforms, with web, desktop and mobile applications. We process billions of data points per month, bringing together third-party applications and services with integrations in Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, VLC, Sonos, and many others.
Our vision is to be the connective tissue of music on the internet. We strive to unlock information about your personal relationship to the music you love, and the relationships between music and the rest of the world.
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Last.fm is a global online music service that tracks people’s music listening habits - across many devices/platforms and via its world-class personalized music service – to help them discover and share new music through recommendations, exploration and the integration of social networking tools.
We take messy, crowd-sourced data from music listeners worldwide, and process it to provide global and personal music taste statistics, an “IMDB” style knowledge-base of all music, and recommendations unique to each user. We are a social network that continues to enjoy a large, passionate, active user base with hundreds of millions of users, and we are active on many platforms, with web, desktop and mobile applications. We process billions of data points per month, bringing together third-party applications and services with integrations in Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, VLC, Sonos, and many others.
Our vision is to be the connective tissue of music on the internet. We strive to unlock information about your personal relationship to the music you love, and the relationships between music and the rest of the world.
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Scrobbles user listening data from music streaming services and apps to track what songs and artists they listen to
Scrobbles user listening data from music streaming services and apps to track what songs and artists they listen to
Scrobbles user listening data from music streaming services and apps to track what songs and artists they listen to
Provides personalized music recommendations based on a user's listening history and preferences
Provides personalized music recommendations based on a user's listening history and preferences
Provides personalized music recommendations based on a user's listening history and preferences
Allows users to create profiles to share their music tastes and connect with friends and other fans
Allows users to create profiles to share their music tastes and connect with friends and other fans
Allows users to create profiles to share their music tastes and connect with friends and other fans
Offers charts and statistics to see the most popular artists, albums and tracks among Last.fm users
Offers charts and statistics to see the most popular artists, albums and tracks among Last.fm users
Offers charts and statistics to see the most popular artists, albums and tracks among Last.fm users
Hosts artist pages with biographies, discographies, and links to listen to their music
Hosts artist pages with biographies, discographies, and links to listen to their music
Hosts artist pages with biographies, discographies, and links to listen to their music
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Music Fans
Music Fans
Music Fans
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