Lily Moayeri
music journalist since 1992 | educator since 2004 | podcaster since 2020

Lily Moayeri
music journalist since 1992 | educator since 2004 | podcaster since 2020
🇺🇸 US
Los Angeles

Lily Moayeri
music journalist since 1992 | educator since 2004 | podcaster since 2020
Lily Moayeri has been a music journalist since 1992. She has contributed to numerous publications over the years including NPR, Los Angeles Times and Rolling Stone. Currently, Lily's writing can be found in Variety, Spin, Grammy, Billboard, DJ Mag, Flood Magazine, Mix Magazine Under the Radar Magazine, among others. Lily is also a contributing editor to the textbook, "The Guerilla Guide to the Music Business" and has a chapter in the anthology, "The Life, Death, and Afterlife of the Record Store: A Global History." Lily hosts and co-produces the Pictures of Lily Podcast, a music commentary podcast about her experiences interviewing musicians and music-related people. She has been both a panelist and a moderator at a number of music conferences, including NAMM, PopCon, and guest speaker at Grammy Camp. She has also served as a teacher librarian since 2004 focusing on guiding students in navigating the intersection of technology and education.
Lily Moayeri has been a music journalist since 1992. She has contributed to numerous publications over the years including NPR, Los Angeles Times and Rolling Stone. Currently, Lily's writing can be found in Variety, Spin, Grammy, Billboard, DJ Mag, Flood Magazine, Mix Magazine Under the Radar Magazine, among others. Lily is also a contributing editor to the textbook, "The Guerilla Guide to the Music Business" and has a chapter in the anthology, "The Life, Death, and Afterlife of the Record Store: A Global History." Lily hosts and co-produces the Pictures of Lily Podcast, a music commentary podcast about her experiences interviewing musicians and music-related people. She has been both a panelist and a moderator at a number of music conferences, including NAMM, PopCon, and guest speaker at Grammy Camp. She has also served as a teacher librarian since 2004 focusing on guiding students in navigating the intersection of technology and education.
Lily Moayeri has been a music journalist since 1992. She has contributed to numerous publications over the years including NPR, Los Angeles Times and Rolling Stone. Currently, Lily's writing can be found in Variety, Spin, Grammy, Billboard, DJ Mag, Flood Magazine, Mix Magazine Under the Radar Magazine, among others. Lily is also a contributing editor to the textbook, "The Guerilla Guide to the Music Business" and has a chapter in the anthology, "The Life, Death, and Afterlife of the Record Store: A Global History." Lily hosts and co-produces the Pictures of Lily Podcast, a music commentary podcast about her experiences interviewing musicians and music-related people. She has been both a panelist and a moderator at a number of music conferences, including NAMM, PopCon, and guest speaker at Grammy Camp. She has also served as a teacher librarian since 2004 focusing on guiding students in navigating the intersection of technology and education.
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Lily Moayeri is a music journalist since 1992, educator since 2004, and podcaster since 2020
Lily Moayeri is a music journalist since 1992, educator since 2004, and podcaster since 2020
Lily Moayeri is a music journalist since 1992, educator since 2004, and podcaster since 2020
She hosts the "Pictures of Lily Podcast" which shares her experiences interviewing musicians over her 32-year archive
She hosts the "Pictures of Lily Podcast" which shares her experiences interviewing musicians over her 32-year archive
She hosts the "Pictures of Lily Podcast" which shares her experiences interviewing musicians over her 32-year archive
The podcast features a "Vintage Edition" format highlighting specific interviews from her career
The podcast features a "Vintage Edition" format highlighting specific interviews from her career
The podcast features a "Vintage Edition" format highlighting specific interviews from her career
Moayeri reviews TV shows, films, and concerts for publications like Under the Radar Magazine and Variety
Moayeri reviews TV shows, films, and concerts for publications like Under the Radar Magazine and Variety
Moayeri reviews TV shows, films, and concerts for publications like Under the Radar Magazine and Variety
She writes columns like "The Essentials" for SPIN magazine featuring annotated lists from artists
She writes columns like "The Essentials" for SPIN magazine featuring annotated lists from artists
She writes columns like "The Essentials" for SPIN magazine featuring annotated lists from artists
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