MTSU College of Music and Entertainment
Where academics meet industry, shaping the future of media and entertainment.

MTSU College of Music and Entertainment
Where academics meet industry, shaping the future of media and entertainment.

MTSU College of Music and Entertainment
Where academics meet industry, shaping the future of media and entertainment.
At a time of unprecedented demand worldwide for news, information, and entertainment content, the College of Media and Entertainment at Middle Tennessee State University is uniquely positioned to educate students about the full range of media and communications.
Whether students are interested in pursuing careers in the recording industry, film, television, journalism, public relations, photography, or dozens of other fields, the college offers both a broad-based curriculum and unique hands-on opportunities.
The College of Media and Entertainment offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Media and Entertainment, Animation, Video and Film Production, Interactive Media, Journalism, Recording Industry, and Audio Production; a Master of Fine Arts in Recording Arts Technologies; and a Master of Science in Media and Communication.
In addition to vibrant classroom settings, students interact extensively with media professionals. This includes internships and participation in national media and entertainment events. Students have played roles at the Grammys, Bonnaroo Music Festival, Americana Music Festival, and many more national prominent events.
The college is also home to the Center for Innovation in Media, the Center for Popular Music, the Seigenthaler Chair of Excellence in First Amendment Studies, and WMOT-FM, a 100,000-watt public radio station.
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At a time of unprecedented demand worldwide for news, information, and entertainment content, the College of Media and Entertainment at Middle Tennessee State University is uniquely positioned to educate students about the full range of media and communications.
Whether students are interested in pursuing careers in the recording industry, film, television, journalism, public relations, photography, or dozens of other fields, the college offers both a broad-based curriculum and unique hands-on opportunities.
The College of Media and Entertainment offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Media and Entertainment, Animation, Video and Film Production, Interactive Media, Journalism, Recording Industry, and Audio Production; a Master of Fine Arts in Recording Arts Technologies; and a Master of Science in Media and Communication.
In addition to vibrant classroom settings, students interact extensively with media professionals. This includes internships and participation in national media and entertainment events. Students have played roles at the Grammys, Bonnaroo Music Festival, Americana Music Festival, and many more national prominent events.
The college is also home to the Center for Innovation in Media, the Center for Popular Music, the Seigenthaler Chair of Excellence in First Amendment Studies, and WMOT-FM, a 100,000-watt public radio station.
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At a time of unprecedented demand worldwide for news, information, and entertainment content, the College of Media and Entertainment at Middle Tennessee State University is uniquely positioned to educate students about the full range of media and communications.
Whether students are interested in pursuing careers in the recording industry, film, television, journalism, public relations, photography, or dozens of other fields, the college offers both a broad-based curriculum and unique hands-on opportunities.
The College of Media and Entertainment offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Media and Entertainment, Animation, Video and Film Production, Interactive Media, Journalism, Recording Industry, and Audio Production; a Master of Fine Arts in Recording Arts Technologies; and a Master of Science in Media and Communication.
In addition to vibrant classroom settings, students interact extensively with media professionals. This includes internships and participation in national media and entertainment events. Students have played roles at the Grammys, Bonnaroo Music Festival, Americana Music Festival, and many more national prominent events.
The college is also home to the Center for Innovation in Media, the Center for Popular Music, the Seigenthaler Chair of Excellence in First Amendment Studies, and WMOT-FM, a 100,000-watt public radio station.
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