Music Canada
Uniting Canadian Artists with Fans Through Streaming.

Music Canada
Uniting Canadian Artists with Fans Through Streaming.

Music Canada
Uniting Canadian Artists with Fans Through Streaming.
Music Canada is a pioneering organization dedicated to analyzing and enhancing the presence of Canadian artists in the country's audio streaming market. Collaborating with renowned economist Will Page, Music Canada has embarked on a groundbreaking study to explore how Canadian artists connect with their audience in the digital era. As the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) works on implementing the Online Streaming Act, Music Canada's report sheds light on the current landscape, emphasizing the importance of Canadian artists in the domestic streaming scene. By championing the visibility and impact of Canadian musicians, Music Canada plays a vital role in shaping the future of the music industry in Canada.
Music Canada is a pioneering organization dedicated to analyzing and enhancing the presence of Canadian artists in the country's audio streaming market. Collaborating with renowned economist Will Page, Music Canada has embarked on a groundbreaking study to explore how Canadian artists connect with their audience in the digital era. As the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) works on implementing the Online Streaming Act, Music Canada's report sheds light on the current landscape, emphasizing the importance of Canadian artists in the domestic streaming scene. By championing the visibility and impact of Canadian musicians, Music Canada plays a vital role in shaping the future of the music industry in Canada.
Music Canada is a pioneering organization dedicated to analyzing and enhancing the presence of Canadian artists in the country's audio streaming market. Collaborating with renowned economist Will Page, Music Canada has embarked on a groundbreaking study to explore how Canadian artists connect with their audience in the digital era. As the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) works on implementing the Online Streaming Act, Music Canada's report sheds light on the current landscape, emphasizing the importance of Canadian artists in the domestic streaming scene. By championing the visibility and impact of Canadian musicians, Music Canada plays a vital role in shaping the future of the music industry in Canada.
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