Production Music Conference
Advancing the unique value of production music and creating a better future for our community.

Production Music Conference
Advancing the unique value of production music and creating a better future for our community.

Production Music Conference
Advancing the unique value of production music and creating a better future for our community.
The Production Music Association (PMA) is the leading advocate and voice of the production music community. As a non-profit organization with over 800 music publisher, composer and production music technology service members, the PMA is dedicated to advancing the unique value of production music and working together to ensure a better future for its community. The PMA provides education, support and advocacy to its members, which include major labels, independent boutiques, emerging composers and well-known Grammy winners, accounting for over 2,500,000 individual copyrights. PMA music is heard daily in every country around the world, making up over half of the music usage in media. The PMA's goal is to support its members' careers and enhance the value of their craft through community, education and advocacy initiatives.
The Production Music Association (PMA) is the leading advocate and voice of the production music community. As a non-profit organization with over 800 music publisher, composer and production music technology service members, the PMA is dedicated to advancing the unique value of production music and working together to ensure a better future for its community. The PMA provides education, support and advocacy to its members, which include major labels, independent boutiques, emerging composers and well-known Grammy winners, accounting for over 2,500,000 individual copyrights. PMA music is heard daily in every country around the world, making up over half of the music usage in media. The PMA's goal is to support its members' careers and enhance the value of their craft through community, education and advocacy initiatives.
The Production Music Association (PMA) is the leading advocate and voice of the production music community. As a non-profit organization with over 800 music publisher, composer and production music technology service members, the PMA is dedicated to advancing the unique value of production music and working together to ensure a better future for its community. The PMA provides education, support and advocacy to its members, which include major labels, independent boutiques, emerging composers and well-known Grammy winners, accounting for over 2,500,000 individual copyrights. PMA music is heard daily in every country around the world, making up over half of the music usage in media. The PMA's goal is to support its members' careers and enhance the value of their craft through community, education and advocacy initiatives.
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