Reservoir Media
Empowering music creators with a diverse catalog of hits from 1900 to today.

Reservoir Media
Empowering music creators with a diverse catalog of hits from 1900 to today.

Reservoir Media
Empowering music creators with a diverse catalog of hits from 1900 to today.
Reservoir Media is a leading music organization dedicated to empowering music creators by providing access to a vast catalog of hits spanning from 1900 to the present day. With a global presence in cities like Los Angeles, Nashville, New York City, London, Toronto, and Abu Dhabi, Reservoir Media offers a unique platform for artists, songwriters, and producers to explore and license a rich variety of music. By curating a diverse collection of songs, Reservoir Media serves as a vital resource for the music industry, fostering creativity and innovation while connecting artists with opportunities to showcase their talent on a worldwide scale.
Reservoir Media is a leading music organization dedicated to empowering music creators by providing access to a vast catalog of hits spanning from 1900 to the present day. With a global presence in cities like Los Angeles, Nashville, New York City, London, Toronto, and Abu Dhabi, Reservoir Media offers a unique platform for artists, songwriters, and producers to explore and license a rich variety of music. By curating a diverse collection of songs, Reservoir Media serves as a vital resource for the music industry, fostering creativity and innovation while connecting artists with opportunities to showcase their talent on a worldwide scale.
Reservoir Media is a leading music organization dedicated to empowering music creators by providing access to a vast catalog of hits spanning from 1900 to the present day. With a global presence in cities like Los Angeles, Nashville, New York City, London, Toronto, and Abu Dhabi, Reservoir Media offers a unique platform for artists, songwriters, and producers to explore and license a rich variety of music. By curating a diverse collection of songs, Reservoir Media serves as a vital resource for the music industry, fostering creativity and innovation while connecting artists with opportunities to showcase their talent on a worldwide scale.
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