MusicCareers is the music industry’s global job site made by and for music pros.

MusicCareers is the music industry’s global job site made by and for music pros.

MusicCareers is the music industry’s global job site made by and for music pros.
MusicCareers is the music industry’s global job site made by and for music professionals. Our site features multiple vacancies from music companies worldwide, including remote, freelance, internships and volunteer opportunities. We want to help the music business by matching great talent with top companies.
If you’re looking for the next step in your music career, we encourage you to sign up to our personalized job alert mailer to receive a weekly digest of new opportunities: https://www.musiccareers.co/jobs
We’re supporting the revival of the music industry and are offering employers to post internships and freelance jobs free of charge. We’re also making life easier for music companies by offering auto-renewing job posts, so you don’t need to repost if your talent search continues beyond the typical 30 days of a job post.
Get started at MusicCareers to find your dream job or new hire now.
MusicCareers is the music industry’s global job site made by and for music professionals. Our site features multiple vacancies from music companies worldwide, including remote, freelance, internships and volunteer opportunities. We want to help the music business by matching great talent with top companies.
If you’re looking for the next step in your music career, we encourage you to sign up to our personalized job alert mailer to receive a weekly digest of new opportunities: https://www.musiccareers.co/jobs
We’re supporting the revival of the music industry and are offering employers to post internships and freelance jobs free of charge. We’re also making life easier for music companies by offering auto-renewing job posts, so you don’t need to repost if your talent search continues beyond the typical 30 days of a job post.
Get started at MusicCareers to find your dream job or new hire now.
MusicCareers is the music industry’s global job site made by and for music professionals. Our site features multiple vacancies from music companies worldwide, including remote, freelance, internships and volunteer opportunities. We want to help the music business by matching great talent with top companies.
If you’re looking for the next step in your music career, we encourage you to sign up to our personalized job alert mailer to receive a weekly digest of new opportunities: https://www.musiccareers.co/jobs
We’re supporting the revival of the music industry and are offering employers to post internships and freelance jobs free of charge. We’re also making life easier for music companies by offering auto-renewing job posts, so you don’t need to repost if your talent search continues beyond the typical 30 days of a job post.
Get started at MusicCareers to find your dream job or new hire now.
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