Russian Authors' Society.

Russian Authors' Society.
The all-Russian public organization "Russian Authors' Society" (RAO) is a non-governmental non-profit organization created by authors and other copyright holders to manage copyrights on a collective basis.
Throughout the history of its existence, the Russian Authors' Society has contributed and continues to promote the stimulation of creative activity, the development of education, culture and art. Provides authors with the opportunity to receive economic benefits from the use of their works, and also serves to achieve a harmonious balance between the exclusive property rights of authors and the interests of society.
Based on agreements with authors, state accreditation, as well as agreements on mutual representation of interests with foreign copyright organizations, today RAO represents more than 26,000 Russian and 2,000,000 foreign authors and copyright holders.
The all-Russian public organization "Russian Authors' Society" (RAO) is a non-governmental non-profit organization created by authors and other copyright holders to manage copyrights on a collective basis.
Throughout the history of its existence, the Russian Authors' Society has contributed and continues to promote the stimulation of creative activity, the development of education, culture and art. Provides authors with the opportunity to receive economic benefits from the use of their works, and also serves to achieve a harmonious balance between the exclusive property rights of authors and the interests of society.
Based on agreements with authors, state accreditation, as well as agreements on mutual representation of interests with foreign copyright organizations, today RAO represents more than 26,000 Russian and 2,000,000 foreign authors and copyright holders.
The all-Russian public organization "Russian Authors' Society" (RAO) is a non-governmental non-profit organization created by authors and other copyright holders to manage copyrights on a collective basis.
Throughout the history of its existence, the Russian Authors' Society has contributed and continues to promote the stimulation of creative activity, the development of education, culture and art. Provides authors with the opportunity to receive economic benefits from the use of their works, and also serves to achieve a harmonious balance between the exclusive property rights of authors and the interests of society.
Based on agreements with authors, state accreditation, as well as agreements on mutual representation of interests with foreign copyright organizations, today RAO represents more than 26,000 Russian and 2,000,000 foreign authors and copyright holders.
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