The most creative person in the music business on what to expect in 2024
The most creative person in the music business on what to expect in 2024

The most creative person in the music business on what to expect in 2024
Artists must own the direct-to-customer relationship with their fans to experience meaningful growth in the evolving music industry.

The most creative person in the music business on what to expect in 2024
Artists must own the direct-to-customer relationship with their fans to experience meaningful growth in the evolving music industry.

The most creative person in the music business on what to expect in 2024
Artists must own the direct-to-customer relationship with their fans to experience meaningful growth in the evolving music industry.
Nathan Hubbard, co-founder of Firebird, emphasizes the importance of artists managing relationships with their fans like businesses do. He believes that to achieve meaningful growth, artists need to understand their audience's characteristics and preferences, then use data science and available tools to find and engage with similar audiences. This approach, which is common in the business world, is now being applied to the music industry through Firebird's innovative artist management strategies.
Nathan Hubbard, co-founder of Firebird, emphasizes the importance of artists managing relationships with their fans like businesses do. He believes that to achieve meaningful growth, artists need to understand their audience's characteristics and preferences, then use data science and available tools to find and engage with similar audiences. This approach, which is common in the business world, is now being applied to the music industry through Firebird's innovative artist management strategies.
Nathan Hubbard, co-founder of Firebird, emphasizes the importance of artists managing relationships with their fans like businesses do. He believes that to achieve meaningful growth, artists need to understand their audience's characteristics and preferences, then use data science and available tools to find and engage with similar audiences. This approach, which is common in the business world, is now being applied to the music industry through Firebird's innovative artist management strategies.
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